Papillon du Poly Rythmo (1980)


  1. Great records lately. I love your taste in music...But MAN you gotta get rid of all the pop up nightmares attached to your site.

  2. That was a lame Thanks.
    Really, thanks for what you share.

  3. Hey Oro,

    Most of the pop ups are coming from z-share these days, although Mozilla used to block 5 or 6 every time I visited your site. I just clicked around a bit today and didn't have those problems. I wonder whether they were coming from an ad placement service? Did you used to have ads on your site?

    I like mediafire to share files...they have ads, but are less intrusive about it.

    Again, I really appreciate all the great stuff you share. My comment was in frustration after having to fight a particularly persistent pop-up from zshare.

  4. many many thanks for sharing these wonderful records !!!!!!!!
