I am sorry to offer you a Juju vinyl in a bad shape but this record is a way for me to introduce the Yoruba community from Benin. Many Yoruba artists are coming from the south of the country. Yoruba people are also called Nago. Juju, Apala or Fuji rhythms are making parts of Beninese musical culture. This recording from Irede-Band juju is led by Akambi Elewu-Etu. It must have been recorded in 1976.
Désolé pour l'état de ce vinyle qui me permet d'introduire la communauté Yorouba du sud Bénin. Ils sont aussi appelés Nago. Les rythmes Juju, Apala ou Fuji font parti intégrante de la culture musicale béninoise. Cet enregistrement du groupe Irede Band of Juju est dirigé par Akambi Elewu Etu. Il devrait dater de 1976.
Very interesting post. Thank you very much. Cole