Les Sympathics (1978)

Orchestra Les Sympathics was created in 1972 by Herman Layele, the leader of the famous Black Dragons ' orchestra. This Albarika's opus is wonderful and I have been looking after it for a long time. Herman is still alive and sings every sunday in Porto-Novo, Benin. He is more than a singer and a composer. He became Balé. That means that he became chief of a Vodun Society of masks called Egungun, the masks of dead people. This album was recorded in 1978 and it has something special and different from the same period.


L'orchestre Les Sympathics a été fondé en 1972 par Herman Layele, le fameux leader de l'orchestre Black Dragons. Ce nouveau chapitre d'Albarika est prodigieux. Je le cherchais depuis un moment et c'est chose faite. Herman (à gauche sur la pochette) est toujours vivant et chante tous les dimanches à Porto-Novo, Bénin. Il est plus qu'un chanteur et compositeur, il est devnu Balé. Cela signifie qu'il est devenu chef de culte Vodoun, celui des revenants et de leur masques puissants: les Egungun. Cet album a été enregistré en 1978 et il a quelque chose de spécial come sa pochette.


  1. first time finding yr blog & it looks amazing! i just downloaded this rip but track 1 on face a, 'femmes africanes' is corrupt & will not extract. thought it proper to let u know. the other two tracks, particularly 'e sin sin' are marvelous. that bright ringing guitar! anyhoo, keep it up & i will look around here more thoroughly now that i know you're here & thanks

  2. Very cool tunes, but it's true, only two tracks extract...

  3. Thanks again - wait with interest for the third track

  4. Hello guys the link is fixed. Jovial you are welcome on my blog. Have pleasure...

  5. Magnifique "Femme africaine"! épique!merci beaucoup!
