Tohon Stan: King of Tchink System (1984)

Stanislas Tohon is definitely the king of Tchink System (modernized Tchinkoume rhythm) with its famous Gotta drum and water percussions. Tohon is singular as his music. He is like a thug.
He delivers on this album a third version of "Yallow", a hit that mede him known throughout Africa (you can find the original recording in this post). I especially like the track "Gotta" and the violence of all the drums.

Stanislas Tohon est definitivement le roi du Tchink System (rythme modernisé du Tchinkoumé) avec son fameux tambour Gotta et ses percussions d'eau. Tohon est singulier tout comme sa musique. Il est comme un voyou.
Il nous délivre sur cet album une troisième version de "Yallow", morceau qu'il a fait connaitre dans toute l'Afrique (vous trouverez dans ce courrier l'enregistrement original de ce tube). J'aime particulièrement le titre "Gotta" et la violence de ses rythmes.


  1. great music. thanks for your efforts and the knowledge you bring to bear. if you could possibly encode at 320 like most other blog sites are now doing, that would help preserve this music closer to how it really is. cheers.

  2. Hello Rhythm Connection, I do it for all the next posts...
