Sunny Black's Band AKA Poly-Rythmo (1966)

I really like to thank Reservatory, from Lucky Psychic Hut blog, for this great great contribution. This is my fourth post about Sunny Black's Band which became, in 1968, Poly-Rythmo. I invite you to discover the others EPs from Clément Mélomé's band here, here and here. The rhythm is always the same during this period, bolero mixed with traditional Beninese rhythms.

Je voudrais vraiment remercier Reservatory, du blog Lucky Psychic Hut, pour sa contribution et pour ce nouvel opus du groupe Sunny Black's Band qui deviendra Poly-Rythmo en 1968. Je vous invite à découvrir les autres 45 tours du groupe de ce groupe fondé par Clément Mélomé ici, ici et ici.


  1. Wow! Ça me rappelle certains morceaux d'El Rego. Magnifique. Merci à vous deux et bonne année.

  2. Great music!
    Thanks & a happy new year

  3. Hola, New Years greeting from Espana. I wanted to thank you for your informative blog and the hard work you must put in. I don't leave as many comments as I should, buzzing around blog land and all over the web, but I want to take this opportunity to thank you.

    I also wanted to inform you that I put to your blog on my blog watch 'Information Inspiration'. It's really a big personal blog roll, but I'm sure some music fans will find it useful;

    Today I launched a new blog 'Rhythm And Groove' which you may want to check out when you have the time;

    Una mas, muchas gracias para todo... and wishing you a prosperous 2011.

