Après Eboa Lottin, voici une autre collaboration de Poly-Rythmo avec la musique Camerounaise et son ambassadrice, la chanteuse et compositrice Betti Betti. Je n'ai pas d'informations sur Betti Betti, que de la musique qui fut enregistrée au Bénin.
After Eboa Lottin, here is another collaboration from Poly-Rythmo with Cameroon's music and its ambassador, the woman singer and songwriter Betti Betti. I have no information on Betti Betti, only music which was recorded in Benin.
After Eboa Lottin, here is another collaboration from Poly-Rythmo with Cameroon's music and its ambassador, the woman singer and songwriter Betti Betti. I have no information on Betti Betti, only music which was recorded in Benin.
Poly-Rythmo album No. 143256:)Bloody hell, is there no end to the number of Albums poly-Rythmo released.