Célestin Migan alias Mig-Tino mérite un courrier spécial. Je réunis donc plusieurs univers musicaux composés et chantés par le plus grand guitariste béninois des années 70's. Cette série de disques a été enregistré entre 1975 et 1980. Le premier est inédit sur Oro.

Celestin Migan alias Mig-Tino deserves a special post. Here are different musical worlds composed and sung by the greatest beninese guitarist during the 70's. This set of records were composed between 1975 and 1980. The first is new on Oro.

Célestin Migan était le chef d'orchestre des "Commandos", connus pour avoir longuement accompagné El Rego. Sur ce 45 tours édité sur le label "Columbia", Migan chante en Français. "Je m'en fous" est un superbe rythme cavacha, "Pas de sot métier" est un rythme folklorique qui prône la vie de musicien car "la musique c'est du travail".

Migan Celestin used to be the leader of "The Commandos" band, also known as El Rego's backing band. This single edited on label "Columbia" and Migan sings in french. "Je m'en fous" (I don't care) is a wonderful cavacha rhythm, "Pas de sot métier" (No silly business) is a traditional rhythm which lyrics promote musician lifestyle because "music is a work".

Cet autre 45 tours a été enregistré avec l'orchestre Supermen, une formation qu'a crée Migan après les Commandos. Une face A totalement soukous dans lequel Migan nous dévoile tous ses talents de guitariste. La face B est un rythme agbadja ou là encore la guitare est surprenante.

This other single was recorded with the "Supermen" band, an other orchestra created by Celestin after the "Commandos". Side 1 is a terrible soukous rhythm which reveals Migan's talent as guitarist. Side 2 is an agbadja rhythm with surprising guitar again.

Pour finir en beauté, un album sublime enregistré avec Danialou Sagbohan à la batterie et aux choeurs ainsi que Tidjani Koné au saxophone." Agbeyame" est le titre phare de ce disque, une chanson mélancolique inoubliable. Pour la petite histoire, l'enregistrement s'est fait en une prise.

To finish off, a sublime album featuring Danialou Sagbohan on drums and backing vocals, and Tidjani Kone on saxophone. This record was edited on famous label Papa Disco. "Agbeyame" is one of the best track, a melancholic and unforgettable song. For the story, the recording was done in one take.


  1. The female singer in Au Cinema may have been a friend of the producer. I cannot conceive of any other reason she would be allowed to front the band.

    The other two downlands, the single and the album, are no longer up on Mediafire. Could I ask you to re-upload them, please?

  2. Hi Oro God. Wishing you a great & productive year for 2014.

    I discovered this "wonderful" album from Elbaulafricano blog and was rapt to see you had 2 singles as well.

    However, only the Super Men 45 link still works. Any chance the 1st single with the Commandos (ME 002) could be revived please?

    He is an excellent artist whose music should be known far and wide.

    (PS - if the album link was active I'd download it again too - just in case it was a higher quality, 'tho I suspect he may have got it from you anyway.)

    Thank you. Keep up the great work.

    Mick from Oz

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