DISCAFRIC BAND & Robert Degbevi

C'est la première fois que l'orchestre Discafric Band est évoqué sur le blog. Malheureusement je n'ai aucune information sur le groupe. Par contre le togolais Robert Degbevi n'est pas inconnu, je vous conseille ce lien.

Robert Alognon Degbevi était ce qu'on pouvait appeler le "débrouillard talentueux" de la chanson. Longtemps il s'était autoproduit et vendait ses disques dans la rue avant que son chemin ne croise celui de Jimmy Hope qui sera son premier producteur. Surnommé le "philosophe", l'artiste à la guitare sèche saura désormais sécherons larmes. Alognon Degbevi est décédé en fevrier 2010. Ce disque est le premier auto-produit par l'artiste et les deux morceaux sont vraiment excellents. Ceux qui, à l'époque, l'ont acheté dans la rue étaient vraiment chanceux.

This the first time that Discafric Band is mentioned on the blog. Unfortunately, I don't informations about the band. Robert Degbevi is not unknown, here is a post that I recommend.

Robert Alognon Degbevi was what might be called "the resourceful talent" of the song. For a long time he had self-produced and sold his records on the street before his path croosed that of Jimmy Hope who will be his first producer. Nicknames the "philosopher", the acoustic guitar musician will now dry up tears. Alognon Degbevi died in February 2010. This excellent record is the first self-produced by the artist and people were very lucky buying it in the street.


  1. Thanks for this. Do you know when this was recorded/released?

    Discafric Band can also be heard on the excellent African Scream Contest compilation:

  2. A very handsome site you've created here. Sorry it's taken me so long to drop by, but I appreciate your bringing it to my attention. I'll continue to drop by when I can.



  3. Hello Zen
    I don't have informations about this record,
