Tokanou Jonas dit Agbehounkpan

GBINGNI Prince, later King GLELE (1858 - 1889) of Dahomey, would have created in the 19th century zinli rhythm during a the funeral ceremony of King Guézo (1818 - 1858). Funeral pace in  Abomey, it has retained its original register for a long time before becoming popular music.
Le prince GBINGNI, futur roi GLELE (1858 – 1889) de Dahomey, aurait créé le ZINLI au XIXe siècle à l’occasion des funérailles d’un des amis de son père, roi GUEZO (1818 – 1858). Rythme funéraire sur le plateau d’Abomey, il a gardé cette fonction initiale pendant longtemps avant de s’inscrire également sur le registre des musiques populaires.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for this one, Oro. I keep meaning to find the time to explore your great collection of Beninoise music, but somehow there's always so much other music to hear as well! But this one caught my attention - perhaps he is the missing 4th Jonas Brother, the only one with any musical talent :-)

    I am looking forward to the zinli as well.... Thank you!

