Compaoré Issouf & Afro Soul System (Burkina-Faso/1978)

Excellent disque enregistré en 1978 du chanteur Issouf Compaoré accompagné par l'orchestre Afro Soul System, fondé par Jean Claude Bamago durant le milieu des années 70s.

Excellent record of Issouf Compaoré and the Afro Souls System orchestra. A band founded by Jean Claude Bamago in the mid 70's.


  1. I found Adb San Mi Yele kind of derivative if fun, but Liguidi was great. Of course, it's pretty just as derivative, but it fits my tastes better. And the change over around 2:30 was quite a surprise.

    Thanks for putting these up!

  2. Friends of Gold:
    We ask to exchange links on our blogs.
    From already, thank you very much ...
    Ohscar, Survival Music

  3. Friends of Gold:
    We ask to exchange links on our blogs.
    From already, thank you very much ...
    Ohscar, Survival Music

  4. Merci de votre passage sur "CTI Fanblog".
    Je connais votre blog mais je n'avais pas trouvé de lien pour m'inscrire jusqu'à présent.

  5. This is just unbelievably great. The guitarist is a genius. Thank you for sharing so many geniuses!
