I especially like the diversity and quality of Prodcution Satel and its tropical records. Here the number 60 with the great Black Santiago and unknown singer Sicko Appiah. On those highlife tunes Sickoh sings in Akan language from Ghana. I guess so he is Ghanaian. If any knows him, manifest yourself. This EP was probably released in 1971. By the way, Sagbohan is playing battery.
J'aime particulièrement la diversité et la qualité des Productions Satel et ses disques tropicaux. Voici le numéro 60 avec le grand Black Santiago et un chanteur inconnu, Sicko Appiah. Sur ces morceaux de highlife, il chante en langue Akan du Ghana. Je suppose don qu'il est Ghanéen. Si quelqu'un le connait, qu'il se manifeste. Ce 45 tours est vraisemblablement sorti en 1972. Au fait, Sagbohan est à la batterie.

Very cool! The rhythms are a bit outside the norm, yes? Thanks so much for digging this out!
many thanks for this wonderful record VERY NICE one
Besides the wonderful music you share - I really do appreciate the inspiring art-work - it deserves its own exhibition - Thank you. Chris
yes, the name Appiah is an Akan name and so i think he is a Ghanaian
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