Alokpon is the the greatest singer and the king of traditional Tchinckoume rhythm, a rhythm from the center of Benin, known for its water drums and Gotta drum which are made out of calabash. The Gotta is the biggest calabash that is commonly beaten with a shoe sole. Its sound is heavy and deep.
This 1970's recording in mono, number 11 from "Les Echos du Dahomey" is the first recording from Anatole Houndeffo called Alokpon.
Alokpon est le plus grand chanteur du rythme traditionnel Tchinckoumé, un rythme du centre du Bénin, connu pour ses tambours aquatiques et son tambour Gotta qui sont faits de calebasses. Le Gotta est la plus grande calebasse, elle est couramment frappée avec une semelle de chaussure. Son son est lourd et profond.
Ce vinyle numéro 11 de 1970, enregistré en mono par les Echos Sonores du Dahomey, est le premier enregistrement d'Anatole Houndeffo dit Alokpon.
Very nice taste of the countryside! THANKS, as always.
Thank you for Roi Alokpon!
any chance of a re upload? i would love to hear this album. a big fan pf this drum
Hello Tyler,
link is fixed
link seems down again, any chance of a repost?
loving the tchinkoume sound, is there a modern vinyl compilation that has been released?
Je seconde le précédent auditeur. Possible de reposter ce bijou, oro? merci, yann
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