Tidiani Coulibaly was born on December 31 in 1941 at Kankalaba, "Upper Volta". He is a pioneer of modern music in his country. He became famous with Volta Jazz Orchestra during the sixties. In 1975, he founded his own orchestra, the Dafra Jazz, and recorded is first album that I offer you today with tremendous pleasure. This album is rare... Coulibaly inspired many artists and was also inpired by Amadou Ballke. He pays tribute to him on "Doro Daga".
On the next opus that I will offer you soon, released in 1978, Ballake is invited to sing by Coulibaly. Be patients...
Tidjani Coulibaly est né le 31 Décembre 1941 à Kankalaba en "Haute Volta". Il est grand pionnier de la musique moderbe dans son pays. Il devient célèbre, durant les années 60s avec l'orchestre Volta Jazz. En 1975, il crée son propre orchestre, les "Dafra Star", et enregsitre son premier album que je vous offre avec grand plaisir. Cet opus est rare... Coulibaly a inspiré beaucoup d'artistes er fût, lui-même, inspiré par Amadou Ballaké. Il lui rend d'ailleurs hommage sur le morceau "Doro Daga".
Sur le prochain opus, que je vous offrirai bientôt, sorti en 1978; Ballake est invité à chanter par Coulibaly. Soyez Patients...
Another great one! A really nice mix of traditional and modern. THANKS!
Wow! Merci.
ooh ooooohh !! one more fantastic record
& your artwork is fantastic too (as usual)
many many THANKS
Great album, great band!!
Big thank you very much oro!!!
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