Le Groupe Amikpon est dirigé par Antoine Sagbohan et ses frères. Oui, Antoine est un cousin de Danialou Sagbohan. Il vit comme lui à Porto-Novo, mais il est connu comme chanteur traditionnel.
Amikpon Band is leaded by Antoine Sagbohan. Yes, Antoine is a cousin of Danialou Sagbohan. They have the same age but Antoine is known as famous traditional music singer. As Danialou, he lives in Porto-Novo.

Initiated into voodoo religion and Egungun masks, Antoine sings in Yoruba, Fon or Gun. He is mainly known as the "king of kpalongo rhythm". Amikpon Band recorded its first album in 1977 on label Satel Records. The kpalongo style is already present in Amikpon. A heady pace from the first listening.
En 2005, j'ai rencontré et enregistré le Groupe Amikpon. J'ai été surpris par le talent de son leader Antoine Sagbohan. Le morceau "Achiko" est celui que je préfère, Antoine joue du tambour acouba (congas). Il crée aussi ses propres tambours comme le patengé, une mini batterie que l'on peut entendre sur "Amikpon solo". Enfin sur le morceau d'inspiration vodoun "Agbe", Antoine joue du gangan (talking-drum).
In 2005, I met and recorded Amikpon. I was surprised by the talent of its leader, Antoine Sagbohan. The song "Achiko" is my favorite, Antoine plays acouba drum (congas). He also creates his own drums like patenge drum, a small battery that can be heared on ""Amikpon Solo". Finally, on Vodun inspired title "Agbe", Sagbohan plays gangan drum (talking-drum).
Oro, nice bit of audio sorcery you got going here, look forward to discovering gems.
Any chance you could upload this again? It appears to have fallen afoul of Mediafire's purge a couple of years ago.
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